The Garden Within
Title: The Garden Within: Where the War with Your Emotions Ends and Your Most Powerful Life Begins
Author: Dr. Anita Phillips
Genre: non fiction religion self help

The Garden Within changed my perspective on my emotions. As an emotional person often frustrated by my emotions, I have subscribed to the idea that emotions are a waste of energy and time. This book encourages you to embrace your emotions as they are the root of your well-being. When you understand your feelings, you can find the best solutions to any problem.
This book is the perfect intersection of psychology, religion, and science. I've never seen these things combined, but it makes sense. Dr. Anita is the perfect person to deliver this message, being a trauma therapist, scientist, and pastor.
My main takeaway was that your heart is at the center of your well-being. Your heart holds your beliefs, so be mindful of what seeds (words, beliefs) you allow to grow there. Your beliefs tell your mind what to think, and what you think determines your actions. Dr. Anita did a great job explaining this emotional concept and relating it religiously to the Garden of Eden and scientifically to an actual garden.
While tapping into your emotions, the book provided actions to deal with trauma, anger, fear, and sadness.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has a complex relationship with their emotions and feelings, especially those who identify as a Christian. We've been groomed to think of our emotions as bad, that if we have them, we don't trust God. Jesus showed emotions, and so can you. We are human. Emotions are the most human of all human traits. Lean into it!
- Maya & The Spine Down
