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Firekeeper's Daughter

Title: Firekeeper's Daughter

Author: Angeline Boulley

Genre: fiction contemporary mystery thriller young adult

Summary: FireKeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley follows a young woman named Daunis who loves the game of hockey, her family and friends, seeking wisdom from elders, and embracing her Ojibwe traditions. After the loss of loved ones due to meth, Daunis works undercover in an investigation with the FBI on a quest to save her community. On this quest, Daunis finds love, at times questions who she can trust, and taps into her Native American traditions for guidance on her journey.

Thoughts before reading the book: I can’t remember the last time I’ve read a book from the Young Adult (YA) genre, but recently I’ve been adding more and more Young Adult titles to my TBR list. I’ve been seeing a ton of hype around FireKeeper’s Daughter and when I saw that Pretty Little Bookshelf was reading this book for her May YA virtual book club pick, I took this as the perfect opportunity to read it!

First thoughts after reading the book: FireKeeper’s Daughter was worth the hype! It was a true page-turner, kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat! I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

I enjoyed reading about a contemporary Native American story. This book shed light on the types of injustices and realities that indigenous communities face today, such as racial profiling and the lack of protection against indigenous women who are assaulted. I enjoyed learning about different aspects of a tribal community: languages, rituals, ceremonies, and traditions.

I also enjoyed the character development. Boulley provided just enough details that made you feel like you knew the characters and wondered what they are doing now?! How does Daunis’ knowledge of traditional medicine impact plant science? How did the meth investigation impact the careers of the FBI agents in the case? Did the meth importers ever reflect on the consequences of them bringing meth into the community?

I would recommend FireKeeper’s Daughter to anyone who is looking for a storyline that will keep you on your toes and to anyone who are interested in getting a glimpse into a contemporary Native American story.

- Maya & The Spine Down



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